
到目前为止,你可能已经听过“WordPress”这个名字至少一百次了, 无论是通过阅读博客还是在闲聊中. WordPress有什么大不了的?为什么每个人都这么“热衷于它”?? Why are some of the biggest names in the 举办 industry building servers specifically with WordPress 举办 in mind?

如果下面的事实可信的话, WordPress正逐渐被越来越多的普通人所接受, like you 和 I are realizing how easy it makes the process of starting one’s own website.


到现在为止, 几乎三分之一(30%)的互联网是由WordPress提供支持的, 随着越来越多的企业家和小企业进入网络游戏, 这个数字肯定会增加.

事实上, not only are the not-so-tech-savvy people 和 small businesses adopting WordPress but also larger entities like 11 of the Fortune 500 companies, 44.8% of schools, celebrities 和 big br和s like Sony, BBC, Vogue 和 more all use WordPress.

排名前100万的网站, 49%使用WordPress, 只有5%的人使用流行的Drupal, 3%的人使用Joomla. 这很重要, 在WordPress, Drupal, 和 Joomla are all CMS (content management system) platforms 和 the most widely known. But WordPress dwarfs them in popularity by being more than 9 times more popular than Drupal 和 16 times more popular than Joomla.

The biggest part of the hype behind WordPress isn’t just the fact that so many people online are using it. After all, if there are so many people using it, there must be a really good reason why that is. Often mistaken as just a blogging platform, WordPress is much more powerful than that. It can be used to run eCommerce websites, media outlets, social media platforms, 和 more.

Thanks to the ever-increasing number of contributors 和 developers who work on WordPress主题 和 插件, WordPress几乎没有做不到的事情.

But the best part about it is the fact that WordPress is so easy that you really don’t need to know anything about developing or even the web to get started.


The two biggest driving factors behind WordPress’s immense popularity 和 widespread adoption is the fact that it is both easy 和 free to use. 对于那些可能对免费部分感到困惑的人, 实际上网上有两个版本的WordPress.


The first is a web-举办 service that most beginners use to get comfortable with WordPress’s backstage 和 interface. 在WordPress.com, you can start a blog for free, but that means your domain address will end with wordpress.com. You can pay to use a unique domain name 和 you can buy one directly through your WordPress.您也可以使用第三方帐户, 比如GoDaddy或NameCheap, 并付费将其指向WordPress.com. 但是访问插件和功能是有限的, 你需要的服务就越多, 费用越高.

WordPress.org, 另一方面, 是一个免费的自托管系统,您必须与自己的托管一起使用, 比如BlueHost或InMotion Hosting. 它看起来就像WordPress.com, 但是你可以使用任何插件, 主题, 以及你想要的功能, 没有额外的成本,但插件本身(如果有一个).

最好的 thing about it is that for every website function you might be interested in using, 可能有一个免费的插件. 如果没有,大多数插件都相对便宜. 价格从几美元到30美元不等, while some extremely specialized plugin-services might charge you a monthly fee. 然而,作为一个WordPress.org website is quite easy to monetize, most of those investments are totally worth it.

The 主题s 和 插件 are the real reason why WordPress is so easy to use 和 why most users eventually opt to use the self-hosted WordPress.org. A person with very little underst和ing of web development can simply install WordPress, 选择一个最适合网站的主题, 并安装提供所需功能的插件.


甚至当它涉及到定制主题的外观, there are website-builder 插件 that literally allow users to drag 和 drop elements into place, 而支持代码是自动生成的. 这使得它非常简单,您不必学习一行代码!

如果你知道如何编码,你甚至可以构建你自己的 WordPress主题WordPress插件 然后把它们卖掉赚钱.



如你所见, getting started is very simple 和 you can actually have your own WordPress website up within a matter of minutes, 不需要经验. If you’re a beginner 和 you feel nervous about creating your own self-hosted WordPress site as your first attempt, 那么你可能会想尝试一下WordPress.来熟悉一下吧.


WordPress.com, 虽然插件和功能有限(在较低层次计划中), 提供了大量的支持. 这些服务本来是需要付费的, Akismet像, 是自动安装到您的网站,以保护它免受垃圾邮件, 黑客攻击和网站崩溃. 如果你有什么问题, you can get direct help from the WordPress support staff through their ticketing system.

So, 给那些真正的新手, it’s a safe way to learn the ropes 和 get additional assistance when needed. +, you don’t have to worry about getting your own 举办 or buying a domain through a third party (although it’s often recommended that you buy your domain as it helps with Google ranking 和 br和ing).

你所要做的就是进入WordPress.com 和 sign up, then follow the prompts that will guide you through setting up within minutes.



If you feel like you’re ready to go self-hosted, there are just a few things you need.



第三,你需要进入WordPress.org 和 download the self-hosted CMS software from the site, which will offer you the latest version. 然而, the best WordPress 举办 providers either install the CMS for you or have a 1-click installer to automate the process.

如果您的域名不是通过您的虚拟主机提供商注册的, 您必须将其指向托管公司的服务器.

You will have to do directly through your account panel with whomever you’ve purchased your domain from. 它应该被标记为您的NS(名称服务器)设置. 您必须输入您的托管服务提供的两个NS地址.

通常, 购买托管计划时, 您将通过网络托管提供商获得免费域名注册. If you go down that route, your domain will be automatically connected to your 举办 plan.

Once your domain is pointed to your 举办, you can install WordPress on your cPanel. 与今天的大多数托管服务, 还有像Softaculous这样的选择, 由您的虚拟主机提供, 这使得安装WordPress非常容易.

但如果你想走更长的路线,手动操作, 这也是很简单的, 有很多 教程 在网上告诉你怎么做.

插件、主题 & 教程

初始设置完成后, the next steps are to find a 主题 that fits your website’s purpose 和 then install the required 插件 to give your site all the functionality you want. While you can access many free 主题s 和 插件 right through the WordPress directory on your site’s backend interface, you can always find developers who sell custom 主题s with even greater functionality.

If you are the type to prefer doing things on your own, the web is full of thous和s of 教程 你可以用每一种可能的方式使用WordPress. 其中包括编写自己的PHP插件的信息, 构建WordPress的主要编码语言是什么, 驱动流量和优化你的WordPress网站, 整合贝宝, 在您的网站上使用比特币和其他支付方式, 还有更多. 选择确实是无穷无尽的.

With all this in mind, it’s quite obvious why everyone is going to WordPress these days. 你没有理由不这样做.





The Getting Started Guide to Quality Assurance of a WordPress Website – Longread




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  5. 必备的WordPress插件 -获得最重要的插件为您的网站在一个捆绑包. 所有插件将被安装、激活并检查是否正常运行. 
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我的爱好是网球、网络游戏和WordPress网站制作. 我在写我喜欢的东西,这也给我带来了很多快乐.


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